

The Bilbao Berria Group introduces Basuki, their new social gastronomic space in Bilbao, where they combine excellent cuisine, with magnificent broths and soups and excellent cocktails, with art, music and culture.


BASUKI: An homage to roots

Rafael Viar e Iñaki Lasa, founding partners of the Bilbao Berria Group, agree that with Basuki “we want to give back to Bilbao part of everything that Bilbao has given to us all these years and each time we return: her light, her people, her magic, her culture and tradition… We want our presence here to be an engine for activities and bring our little grain of sand to a city as culturally rich and cosmopolitan as Bilbao.”


Gastronomic offerings

The menu, founded on the highest quality products, reinterprets classic dishes and adds to them a thousand points of creativity. A cuisine with smoke, traveled and fun, with influences from Japanese sauces, hints of traditional Spanish, French, or Mexico’s cuisine or pure essence of the most Basque.

Juan Bautista Agreda, Executive Chef of the Bilbao Berria Group, explains it this way: “A cuisine with a seal, where it’s not unusual to find tuna with the flavor of Iberian ham, or dumplings with the purest filling like little pork feet. A restaurant cuisine with a tickling point, so that the client is surprised and plays along.”

Behind all of this is the Basuki philosophy: “We work up a menu intended for sharing, to try at least four or five plates that will come out in a logical order but that can all accumulate on the table. A menu full of high cuisine details and raw plates like carpaccio or shrimp with Idiazabal cheese ice cream or tuna tartar with Latino hints.”

Another novelty the Basuki kitchen offers is it will be open for all of their client from 19:00 on.



With cocktails as the vehicle, Basuki wants to connect with the public of every age and palate, with the intention of offering a list of classic suggestions while also experimenting with the molecular level of cocktails to find different techniques and textures, such as crunchy bits or small bursts that open in your mouth, gels, and a wide variety of flavors from the most exotic to the most traditional.


The Bodega

Basuki has a large bodega with more than 70 varieties of wines to reach and please any palate and to offer the best accompaniment for every dish. The bodega has a diverse collection of D.O. from different regions in Spain.


Music Art and Culture

Basuki wants to be a space open to the city that favors and facilitates the development of cultural activities and leisure that enriches Bilbao’s artistic offerings. Basuki offers regular multidisciplinary cultural programming that includes magic shows, theater, exhibits, short-term installations, etc that will enrich clients’ and friends’ experience.


  • Dirección Juan de Ajuriaguerra 14.
    48009, Bilbao