
Exclusive, first-rate international fashion brands

b54 is a women’s clothing stores firm. Their business is nourished by first-rate brands such as D-Due, Pauleka, Maliparmi, Tara Jarmon, Lydia Delgado… And accessories from Epice, Pierre Louis Mascia, and shoes from Fabio Rusconi.

b54 began in 1992, the year that Maite Argaluza decided to open her first establishment at 54 Avenida Basagoiti in Getxo.

A few years later with a goal of offering exclusive, first-rate international brands, b54 opened their doors en the heart of Bilbao. Now, 15 years later, 39 Colon de Larreategui Street is b54‘s new space, specially created so that clients can enjoy the best that fashion has to offer. In which they highlight modern and forward-looking design with the timeless class of excellent creations.

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  • Dirección b54 Colón de Larreátegui, 39
    48009 Bilbao